A cause for celebration

In two days Norwegians of all ages and various ethnic backgrounds will be taking to the streets, not in anger or frustration, but in joyous (or muted) celebration of '17. mai': Constitution Day. A cause for celebration, and a day that has long historical roots, indeed.
In the weeks leading up to the 17'th of May 1814, a group of men were gathered in the village of Eidsvoll not far from Oslo. They had convocated for one reason, namely, to draw up a document that, in effect, would proclaim our indpendence from our Danish overlords. After long and heated debates, a draft penned by a certain Christian Magnus Falsen was agreed upon as a viable text for our new constitution, our very first, modelled on that of the USA.
Freedom was not to be had for another 91 years, but the seed of liberty had been sown. And in 1905 independence was finally won. And what better way of reminding ourselves of the fabulous success of becoming free than by staging parades with national costumes galore as well as tons of ice-cream, mountains of soft drinks and myriads of hotdogs!
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