Sex?..... to be enjoyed!

Almost twenty years ago, I was sitting in the spacious canteen of the Stavanger-based newspaper, the "Stavanger Aftenblad", together with three other journalist students. We were having our free lunch, enjoying the friendly atmosphere and the inspiring conversation.
The four of us, an equal share of males and females, somehow soon began touching upon the subject of sex. Both the females had boyfriends, and were not shy to reveal that they profoundly, and regularly, enjoyed the raptures of lovemaking. "So how about you two boys?"
Our answers could not have rocked the boat more than a violent earthquake would have. None of us, we explained, had had any sexual experience up to that point in time. Flabbergasted, both girls shot remarks at us that we had to originate from some other planet. In their view it wasn't normal not to yield to sexual urges when aroused. Sex was too good a thing not to enjoy with the boy or girl you loved.
As much as I disagreed, and still disagree, about pre-marital sex, I do agree that this is the case: God invented sex for our pleasure (and so that there would be babies), and he never meant for us to abstain from it - as married couples. Also, God is very much in favour of husband and wife exploring the various ways in which you can please each other sexually. Within the framework of marital fidelity, there simply is no excuse for lack of inventiveness.
Yes, there are periods when circumstances dictate that business as usual will have to do, but, in conclusion, after that it's time for some real hooplah in the hay. Then it's partytime, courtesy of the Maker Himself.
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