Losing dad

At 2.31 a.m., Thursday September 18, the best father I could ever have asked for died - a mere 68 years old. He finally succumbed to this cursed cancer that had been ravaging his body for a full four years.
When I say the best father I could possibly have asked for, I am fully aware that you simply do not chose your parents. You're born to a mather and father not of your choice, so you either learn to like them the way they are, adore them for their never-ending care and love for you, or you develope a definitive distaste for their abusive ways - to name but a few possible attitudes to the people who brought you up, and later launched you into the world of adulthood.
I have always loved the father I got, while simultaneously, at times, acutely recognized his failings and shortcomings. I loved him because of the kind of man he was for most of his lifetime: kind, compassionate, caring and relenting. And so it has never been hard for me to forgive and forget past sins, simply because I too am a man in need of forgiveness.
He fought cancer bravely, never indulging in understandable self-pity partying, but instead he suffered quietly, never complaining about his own frail condition. That's why I honour his memory on this very blog. He deserves special mention as very few other people will ever praise his character or personality. He was my very own father, and I thank God for that.
When I say the best father I could possibly have asked for, I am fully aware that you simply do not chose your parents. You're born to a mather and father not of your choice, so you either learn to like them the way they are, adore them for their never-ending care and love for you, or you develope a definitive distaste for their abusive ways - to name but a few possible attitudes to the people who brought you up, and later launched you into the world of adulthood.
I have always loved the father I got, while simultaneously, at times, acutely recognized his failings and shortcomings. I loved him because of the kind of man he was for most of his lifetime: kind, compassionate, caring and relenting. And so it has never been hard for me to forgive and forget past sins, simply because I too am a man in need of forgiveness.
He fought cancer bravely, never indulging in understandable self-pity partying, but instead he suffered quietly, never complaining about his own frail condition. That's why I honour his memory on this very blog. He deserves special mention as very few other people will ever praise his character or personality. He was my very own father, and I thank God for that.
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