A generational virus at large

Here's a few of recent weeks' news headlines - in paraphrase:
*USA: Former Fed-CEO Greenspan confesses to misjudging human nature
*Africa: DR Congo on the verge of collapse
*Global: World financial crisis continues despite giant rescue packages
*Europe: Street violence is on the up
In a series of postings to come, I'll have a closer look at some of the problems my world is currently facing, and what I, and a few other voices, think lies behind them. All I can say at present is that there's a common denominator to be spotted here. For almost all of our history, a generational virus has been passed on that continues to make a mess of our lives. In spite of all our concerted efforts, our increased knowledge and our improved scientific methods, we still can't steer our lives, or our world, in the direction we all know to be the most reasonable or desirable.
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