2008: 5 highs and 5 lows

Again the jury consisted of one individual, namely: me, myself, I. So here are the highs and lows of 2008.
The highs:
1. Again I had the privilege of having both my wife and our three kids as my daily companions, and they were with me when I was up, and when I hit rock bottom.
2. The weekly fellowship in our church family cell group was a continual source of comfort and strength. This guy certainly acknowledges his indebtedness to all the people who have supported, challenged, and helped us grow through some really difficult days.
3. Yes, I'm still teaching, and this year has probably been my best, in so far as that I've been enjoying the multifaceted joys and trials of a trained pedagogue more than ever before.
4. This year I finally got to buy both a video recorder and an mp3-player. Great fun for tall boys.
5. Shared grief brought me and my brother much closer than we've probably ever been before.
The lows:
1. My father passed away September 18, aged 68. Much too soon, but cancer would probably have darkened his days to the point where there would be very little for him to appreciate and enjoy, had he lived on.
2. My mother has had a very hard time following the loss of her best friend and husband.
3. This Christmas should have seen both my parents and my little family gathering in Bergen for sumptuous holiday celebrations. But it was not to be.
4. I managed to keep my promise of (almost) buying no new books, and I got to read precious few of the ones I did buy. A sad encore of last years' lack of stimuli.
5. I havent' been able to keep as closely in touch with some of my friends and relations as I had planned to.
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