April 9, 1940

Almost seven decades ago, 69 years to be exact, Norwegians woke up to the rudest surprise the nation had ever endured. On the streets of every major city or town German soldiers could be observed marching in the morning hours, their rhythmical movements chillingly accompanied by boisterous military music.
Thus our sovereignty and independence were quashed by a rapid, decisive show of mind-blowingly superior military strength. And it only took the occupants six weeks to defeat the sporadic outbursts of armed resistance - the small disorganized units of men who refused to surrender passively to the Nazi aggressors.
On days like April 9, I find it appropriate to pause to reflect on the priceless boon of liberty that the Third Reich generals stole from us back then. For five long years young and old would have to mark time, yearning passionately for freedom to be restored. That day eventually materalized when both the affluent and the pauper could celebrate the reversal of fortune - the return of independence. But as they gave full vent to exploding joy, they also mourned the loss of lives, the terrible carnage that preceded the return of freedom.
I think it's only fair and proper that we still commemorate April 9. Let's hope and pray that we will never live to see that day repeated in our lifetime. And so let's do what little we can to ensure that peace and liberty remain ours to keep.
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