Goodbye, Mr. Dawkins, part 2

A while back I penned a few lines regarding one of the new breed of atheists, a certain celebrity - the Oxford professor Richard Dawkins. Not only does he vigorously espouse darwinism as near-ultimate truth, he also spends quite some time deriding and haranguing those having a religious worldview.
We are simply unintelligent, or so we are told. Consequently, no person of a religious persuasion deserves any attention whatsoever in public debates. Merely subscribing to the perception that there is more than matter, more than meets the eye, invites thunderous ridicule from this Master Brain of Bristish descent.
According to Mr. Dawkins, both the spirit worshipper and the Christian should be consigned to history's trash heap. Because religion is in this professor's mind the single most threatening, malevolent phenomenon in contemporary society, probably surpassing even AIDS. Religion, he claims, hasn't contributed one iota to the progress of human civilisation. And so we would all be better off in a world where Atheist was each person's middle name. But hold on for a second. Granted, as a professor he probably posesses an IQ that eclipses my own cognitive capacity. That doesn't mean, though, that this purveyor of a no-god world is right on all counts on his long list of scathing charges.
This week, I believe, marked the 150'th anniversary of the battle of Sorrentino in Italy, one of a harrowing string of clashes in human history claiming a heart-crushing number of casualties. But this carnage was different in that it was witnessed by a young Swiss called Henri Dunant. Of Calvinist roots, Mr. Dunant didn't just turn a blind eye on what he had seen on the battlefield.
On the contrary, he swiftly took action, recruiting willing hands to care for the vast number of injured, maimed or mortally wounded. He even financed the whole operation himself, thus earning widespread fame all over Europe. In time this man of a highly defined religious persuasion went on to found what today is known as the International Red Cross.
Throughout most of its history, the Red Cross has made vital contributions towards saving both limb and life of soldiers and civilians trapped in the jaws of armed conflict. And from its modest beginnings, the Red Cross has today branched out into most countries on this planet, assisting people of any colour and creed.
Mr. Dunant was a Christian. And this Christian undertook something that perhaps even Mr. Dawkins will come to recognize as highly benevolent and beneficient. Without this initiative, chances are that millions more would have faced an early death, simply because there wouldn't have been anyone present on the scene of conflict to care for the frontline fighters. The Red Cross hasn't only saved lives, but also provided a glimmer of hope to those dying of despair.
Yes, the 'Christian' cranks called the Crusaders slaughtered Muslims in their thousands, and vice versa. Yes, fundamentalists have recently blown up vehicles and public buildings in Asian countries, trying to inflict as much damage as they possibly could. And, yes, misguided clergy in the Middle Ages did stick to their faulty concept of a Solar system where Earth constituted the very centre.
You're right about that, Mr. Dawkins. But, please, Professor, get yourself educated on the subject of Undeniable, Valuable Contributions From Decidedly Christian People. But please be warned: it may prove fatal to your atheist persuasion!
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