Happy new year, Lord
To the extent that you identify with believers belonging to your church, your earthly, visible body, 2010 must have been a bad year for you, Lord, at least as far as publicity goes. It must, in particular, have hurt you that muckrakers have unearthed scandal upon scandal involving sexual abuse of children, the perpetrators being professional clergy.
I know that much goes on that escapes the eyes of the journalists bent on securing headlines that sell more newspapers, but still: every time a saint, or a wolf in sheep's clothing, misrepresents you, Lord, giving you a bad reputation, the light from the gospel is dimmed, sometimes even totally shut out because of our hypocrisy, our blatant sins that we try desperately to cover up, but which somehow always resurface despite our panicky efforts.
I am sorry Lord, even though I cannot 'boast' any conspicuous sin during the past 364 days. That doesn't mean I can fully exonerate myself, though. I didn't abuse a child, granted. I didn't murder, pillage or evade paying taxes, but the record will show that I missed out on a lot of opportunities to do good. I particularly remember pretending I wasn't noticing the beggars lining the cobbled path to the downtown shopping mall last summer. I felt you tugging my heart, I sensed your voice reminding me to give to the ones in need, but I had an excuse up my sleeve, Lord, remember?
I kept silent, too, Lord, about what you have done for me. Like most believers in Europe and America, I was too preoccupied with my own business to engage in your royal business. Certainly, I was faithful in attending and contributing to our cell group gatherings, but I cannot remember bringing a new one along. And most of my neighbours still are unaware what plans you have for them and us. They still suspect that your agenda is pushing religion, whereas you are hard at work alerting your followers to the fact that your chief objective is restoring justice and godliness in every walk of life, in every sphere of human existence.
Forgive me, Lord. I can write volumes regarding my good intentions, but when it comes to finished work, there isn't really much worth putting down on paper. Am I being too hard on myself? Possibly. But the missions field outside my door is vast, and the nation that I belong to has walked away from heeding your voice, pursuing instead the dance around that golden calf: our oil revenues, our vast collective savings.
There is only one way I am going to perform better in 2011: lifted by your grace, I may very well reach the dreams that have lingered on inside of me for years. If I learn to live my days intently listening to your still small voice, I may witness your power unleashed at work, when mixing with friends and neighbours, or else just being busy being human.
I hope and pray you will enjoy a resounding comeback in Europe in 2011, Lord. Europe's sprawling urban megacommunities need you desperately. There is too much pent-up anger there, too many people whiling their days away in despondency and apathy. They really need you, Lord.
Happy new year.
I know that much goes on that escapes the eyes of the journalists bent on securing headlines that sell more newspapers, but still: every time a saint, or a wolf in sheep's clothing, misrepresents you, Lord, giving you a bad reputation, the light from the gospel is dimmed, sometimes even totally shut out because of our hypocrisy, our blatant sins that we try desperately to cover up, but which somehow always resurface despite our panicky efforts.
I am sorry Lord, even though I cannot 'boast' any conspicuous sin during the past 364 days. That doesn't mean I can fully exonerate myself, though. I didn't abuse a child, granted. I didn't murder, pillage or evade paying taxes, but the record will show that I missed out on a lot of opportunities to do good. I particularly remember pretending I wasn't noticing the beggars lining the cobbled path to the downtown shopping mall last summer. I felt you tugging my heart, I sensed your voice reminding me to give to the ones in need, but I had an excuse up my sleeve, Lord, remember?
I kept silent, too, Lord, about what you have done for me. Like most believers in Europe and America, I was too preoccupied with my own business to engage in your royal business. Certainly, I was faithful in attending and contributing to our cell group gatherings, but I cannot remember bringing a new one along. And most of my neighbours still are unaware what plans you have for them and us. They still suspect that your agenda is pushing religion, whereas you are hard at work alerting your followers to the fact that your chief objective is restoring justice and godliness in every walk of life, in every sphere of human existence.
Forgive me, Lord. I can write volumes regarding my good intentions, but when it comes to finished work, there isn't really much worth putting down on paper. Am I being too hard on myself? Possibly. But the missions field outside my door is vast, and the nation that I belong to has walked away from heeding your voice, pursuing instead the dance around that golden calf: our oil revenues, our vast collective savings.
There is only one way I am going to perform better in 2011: lifted by your grace, I may very well reach the dreams that have lingered on inside of me for years. If I learn to live my days intently listening to your still small voice, I may witness your power unleashed at work, when mixing with friends and neighbours, or else just being busy being human.
I hope and pray you will enjoy a resounding comeback in Europe in 2011, Lord. Europe's sprawling urban megacommunities need you desperately. There is too much pent-up anger there, too many people whiling their days away in despondency and apathy. They really need you, Lord.
Happy new year.
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