Heroes of the past: #4

The siblings share fourth place, joined not only by common parentage, but also in a common endeavour - and, finally, also joined in death, being executed by the all-too willing hands of one of the most oppressive and totalitarian regimes of the 20'th century.

They were both students in Munich at the time, being non-combatant members of the then disorganized and miniscule German resistance, their weapon being pamphlets produced in collaboration with other fellow group members. The group was called 'Die weisse Rose', The White Rose.

Their only crime was seeing through Adolph Hitler's massive smoke-screen of virulent propaganda, promising hope and glory through a war effort that would prove enormously destructive to German society. This brother and his sister tried, in vain, to awaken and alert their fellow citizens to the dangers involved in blindly following the dictates of this monster. Their success was inconspicuous, and their lives cut brutally short.

So now it's up to you to try to find out who they were.


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