A wonderful New World Order?

It sounds like some out-of-this-world agenda, or a plan concocted in the office of some lunatic fringe aspiring to become a Hollywood blockbuster screenwriter. But both the current and former US presidents keep talking about or alluding to it: the dawning of a supposedly golden era or the New World Order.

  • Guided by an as of now partially identifiable elite of plutocrats, elected heads of government and other shadowy but powerful figures, a type of global government will be established that will, allegedly, instigate and monitor the implementation of universal laws, regulations and standards.
  • Amongst the new entities created there will, acording to some sources, be both a universal currency, a universal law-enformcement agency, a global judiciary and - if we are to believe it - a global religion.
  • This process is already underway, being gradually speeded up by open or covert cooperation and interaction - as political, trade and other economic fora and organizations are more tightly knit together by common goals, by a joint pooling of resources and synhchronization of efforts and initiatives.
Have I succumbed to the persuasive powers of conspiracy theorists, of which a puzzling number are Americans? Have I completely lost my intellectual bearings? I am not exactly sure what to make of it, but lately I have tried to begin to make make head or tail of some of the more prevalent rumours circulating in cyberspace. And what I have found so far, has led me to believe that there is more to these sometimes amusing, or confusing, ideas of machinations behind the scenes, these so-called conspiracies devised outside of democratic control (hidden from public view) - than meets the unfocused eye of the average citizen of this world.


I have seen footage of a former president, George Bush sr., in which he addresses this New World Order idea with the exuberance and enthusiasm of a revival evangelist. I have read excerpts that are said to stem from David Rockefeller of the Bilderberger Group (and a host of other round table fora) advocating a one world government put in place by and for the elites, and I have watched interviews with media mogul Ted Turner, himself a designated key player in these shadowy circles, in which he with chilling candour expresses his view that the world needs to see a drastic depopulation. Why? Because otherwise, he claims, the world cannot in the long run sustain human or animal life as we know it.

So what? If you don't detect in what I've written anything resembling a threat to your future welfare and civic rights, I fully understand you. If you don't believe there are sinister groups like the Illuminati at large out there plotting the downfall of nationhood, national sovereignty or democratic control of decision-making processes at every level, well, again I fully understand it. Because I cannot state with full conviction of any kind that there exists plans of this magnitude to subvertively shift control of or influence on e.g. your or my life, or indeed the lives of millions of people, away from the transparency of democratic decisions or individual choice. There does, however, seem to be specks of evidence that something is going on that would not meet with common approval - had we been forewarned about it (Big Bother can factually monitor or trace your every move through computer technology).


At any rate, I am deeply suspicious of elites and their claim for control of fortunes, populations, technologies and worldviews. Why? Not because I automatically buy what Alex Jones of Inforwars.com tries to tell me, but because Scripture and our collective history inform me that nothing is as potentially harmful or lethal as the hubris, the arrogant self-sufficiency and subsequent pride, exhibited in the past and present, by bright minds and self-styled movers and shakers.

The belief that a minority of people should, by virtue of perceived superiority in education or intellect, by virtue of accumulation of wealth - and therefore power, or by virtue of having the appropriate connections wield near-total or interminable control, has led to unspeakable suffering and turmoil in the past. Remember the cultural wars ("The great leap forward") of Maoist China and the ensuing megascale famine or persecution? Remember the communist states of Eastern Europe? Remember the forced one-child policy of China that has led to an alarming shortage of marrigeable females inside the country? Remember the legislation aiming at legalizing the international trade in  babies (surrogate babies) in support of the right of gay couples to 'procreate'?

I do not fear a takeover by nefarious or criminal elites. But I protest the illegitimate influence, sought by people imagining themselves to be able to usher in Utopia by stealth or by force. No such mandate has ever been given to humans by humans, and no such mandate should even be comtemplated. However flawed or deficient democracies may be, their relative assets and strengths far outweigh their liabilities or weaknesses.

I want to be able to choose those who are to fill the seats in high places. Theirs is not the right to self-appoint or automatically assume unlimited power to enforce any odd idea may crop up in heir heads. Hear that, mr. Rockefeller?


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