
Viser innlegg fra 2008

2008: 5 highs and 5 lows

Reviewing 2008

Christmas Day (means D-day)

Who wants to live forever?

Songs of statement, installment #3 ("O holy night")

Horray, horray, it's a holi-holi-day

Songs of statement, installment #2 ("God loves a broken heart")

I confess...

Songs of statement, installment #1 ("Creed")

And the name of the game is..greed

A Feast of light

Postscript: He won't be around this year

The Spirit of Christmas

Jam on!

Remembering Gavrilo Princip

Cancer, bite the dust!

All hail Obama?

A generational virus at large

Heroes of the past: #1

Will it be John or Barack?

Lord of the rings...again?!

Heroes of the past: #2

Collecting friends

I'm crying

In memoriam, part 2

In memoriam, part 1

Losing dad

Faith's paradox

Foul-mouthed beauties

A musical interlude: The secret life of...

Heroes of the past: #3

Answer-key to 'Heroes of the past: #4

Heroes of the past: #4

Answer-key to 'Heroes of the past: #5'

Heroes of the past: #5

Land of tragedy