
Every time I pray, I can address the unseen God as 'Father'. Every time I make my requests known to Him, I can do so knowing that the Being I am pouring my heart out to is simultaneously the author of my life, the designer behind my DNA, and the provider of my ultimate needs. I am a created being, He is the Creator. Yet the two of us belong together. And the relationship that has existed for over 25 years now cannot be broken, not even by death. The bond between Father and son is eternal.

I find great encouragement and comfort in that fact. It is incredible, isn't it, that this God who brought the universe into being, actually takes an active interest in the welfare of a mere bundle of matter (relatively speaking)? Yet I matter to Him, because He is the one who masterminded my entry into this world. He is the real reason why I am here. He is 'My Father' who is in heaven, and who takes care of me as long as I am on this planet.


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