Abraham's journey

Over the coming weeks I'll be conducting a Bible study centering on the highly fascinating figure called Abraham. More than 4000 years ago my enigmatic spiritual forebear made a decision that would forever impact the fate of the world. 

According to the Good Book, Abram (as he was known at the time) was once a citizen of a much-renowned city called Ur. Ur lay in Mesopotamia, or Sumer, and represented the pinnacle of contemporaneous human cultural and technological advances. It was the home of what some speculate is the type of edifice otherwise referred to as a "Tower of Babel", a Ziggurat, and it was also a worship center for a moon god and goddess.

Abram - while still living in Ur - received one the strangest callings of all time: to leave home turf and clan and journey to an unknown country. For what purpose? You probably know already, but as I study his life and times, I'm confident that you will enjoy, with me, some fresh insights in to his life and example as he strove to know the God that had so dramatically changed the direction of his life, and . thus, also changed the direction in which our world was moving.

More to come on this fascinating topic soon!


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